During the jump, he is to exceed the free fall speed over 1500 km/h (930 mph) as the first man in history. After about a minute of freefall, he will surpass the speed of sound. Before this happens, Thomas will have a dozen or so minutes during which he will connect with people around the world watching the live stream broadcast to pay attention to the problem of climate migration caused by human interference in nature, the dramatic effects of these actions, which can be seen even from such a large heights – about tree felling, burned forests, giant garbage islands in the oceans. An event like this must and will bring the attention of global media, corporations, and private benefactors, but above all it will represent a collective voice of humanity on the brink of a global climate disaster.
By jumping from 45 km, Kozlowski wants to catch the attention of people from around the world, raise funds as part of a global aid campaign to support climate refugees and inspire others to act for the planet.
Safe landing is not the culmination of the Jump For The Planet project.
This is the moment when we use the attention of the whole world to emphasize the importance of the climate refugees problem and raise funds for the purpose of our action. We believe that the jump can become an impulse for global social change and bring a message of solidarity and help to the poorest and most affected.